Minder is meer in Shimizu – Mei 2015 / Less is more in Shimizu – May 2015
Hulle was letterlik 36 jaar lank wagtend op ‘n pastor vir hulle sendingpos…
Maar in geloof het hul volhard, die handjievol Christene in die kusdorpie Shimizu (op die Suid-Westelike hoek van Shikoku-eiland).
Toe ek in Desember 2006 vir die eerste die groepie gelowiges se erediens bygewoon het, in ‘n vervalle ou huis, het ek nooit gedink ek sal hulle weer sien nie. Ek was immers toe net op (vakansie)besoek aan Carina se ouers in Japan. En ek was geensins van plan om weer terug te gaan nie. Maar hulle toewyding en geduld het my toe al opgeval, en bygebly. En ek het besef opnuut: minder is soms meer.
Toe, nou die dag, bevind ek my (uit eie keuse) wéér daar. Maar dié keer lyk dit gans anders. Met die opoffering en ruimhartige samewerking van hulle broers en susters van die RCJ se Ring van Shikoku (se ander 18 gemeentes en sendingposte) … en uit loutere genade … is ‘n nuwe kerk gebou, amper twee jaar gelede. Menslik gesproke was dit totaal ondenkbaar (in ‘n dorpie met net twee gemeentes en ongeveer 12 000 inwoners!) .
En toé ontvang hulle nóg genade op genade. ‘n Suid-Koreaanse sendelingpaar word geroep en gestuur na hulle amper-vergete dorpie. Na amper vier dowwe dekades, verskyn ‘n helder vlam van hoop. Op 29 April is ds. Chan bevestig, en saam met sy vrou hartlik verwelkom in die nederige kerkie op die hoek, langs die munisipaliteit.
Een van die Ring se kerkleiers, ds. Makita, spreek ‘n wyse woord by die bevestiging. Die gemeente waar hy dien (RCJ Yamada) het die roeping van ds. Chan help bewerkstellig. En ek sit ene ore, want sy woorde is diep en duidelik. Hy lees uit 2 Timoteus 4:1-2, en fokus op die frase “verkondig die Woord, tydig en ontydig”. In my eie roepingsverhaal vind die Woord helder weerklank, want dit het my ook 20 jaar gelede geïnspireer om teologie te gaan studeer.
In kort beklemtoon hy onder andere twee dinge in sy boodskap:
1. Daar word niks buitengewoon beplan i.t.v. uitreik-aksies of glansryke byeenkomste nie. Wees net daar en wees beskikbaar. God se Koninkryk oorstyg landsgrense. Juist daarom is ds. Chan se teenwoordigheid (as Suid-Koreaan) in Japan noemenswaardig. Hy is ‘n teken van God se versoening (tussen Japan en Suid-Korea).
2. Deel die Woord, eenvoudig en aanhoudend, tydig en ontydig. In geloof, met hoop, verwagtend. Die Here sal self die vrug bring. Hy is die Een wat (ons) roep en stuur.
Dis so eenvoudig. Minder is soms méér. Veral op die platteland van Shikoku. En my hart klop warm van dankbaarheid om van die gebeure te kon deel wees! Dié soort ervaringe verruil ek vir niks …
They had been waiting for a pastor for their mission post for literally 36 years …
But in faith they had persevered, this small handful of Christians in the coastal town of Shimizu (in the South-Western corner of Shikoku Island).
When I attended a worship service of this small group of believers for the first time in December 2006, in a dilapidated old house, I did not expect to see them again. After all, I was just on a (holiday) visit to Carina’s parents in Japan at that time. And I certainly did not plan to return there again. But their commitment and patience struck me then, and have remained with me ever since. And I realized anew: less is (sometimes) more.
Recently, I was there again (out of own choice). But this time it was clearly quite different. With the sacrifices and generous co-operation of their brothers and sisters in the RCJ’s Presbytery of Shikoku‘s other 18 congregations and mission posts … and through God’s grace … a new church was built, almost two years ago. In human terms it had been totally unthinkable (in a small town with only two congregations and approximately 12 000 inhabitants!)
And then they received grace upon grace. A South Korean missionary couple was called and sent to their almost forgotten small town. After almost four dim decades, a bright flame of hope sprang alight. On 29 April (2015) Rev. Chan was ordained, and with his wife, heartily welcomed in the unimposing small church on the corner, next to the local municipality.
One of the church leaders of the Presbytery, Rev. Makita, spoke wise words at the ordination. The congregation in which he ministers (RCJ Yamada) had brought about the calling of Rev. Chan. And I sat there all ears, because his words were profound and clear. He read from 2 Timothy 4:1-2, and focused on the phrase “preach the Word, in season and out of season”. In the story of my own calling the Word echoed clearly, because 20 years before it had also inspired me to study theology and later become a minister.
Briefly, he emphasized two things in his message:
1. Nothing extraordinary such as outreaches and spectacular meetings have to be planned. Just be there and be available. God’s Kingdom supersedes borders of all countries. Especially with regard to this Rev. Chan’s presence (as South Korean) in Japan is noteworthy. He is a symbol of God’s reconciliation (between Japan and South Korea).
2. Share the Word, simply and continuously, in season and out of season, in faith, with hope, expectantly. The Lord Himself will bring forth fruit. He is the One who calls (us) and sends (us).
It is so simple. Less is sometimes móre. Especially in the rural area of Shikoku. And my heart gleamed with gratitude to have been able to share in this events!
These kind of experiences I wouldn’t exchange for anything …