Official news: Karen Strydom (January 2016)
20 January 2016
Dear supporters of Mission Japan
It is with sadness that we announce that Mission Japan will not send Karen Strydom as missionary to the Reformed Church in Japan (RCJ ) anymore.
We were hopeful of sending her out soon. She has been employed by Mission Japan and for the last couple of months she raised funds with several congregations, groups and individuals. Everywhere she told the story of her calling to Japan with conviction. We shared in her calling and contributed much in preparing her for going to Japan.
However, since November 2015 it emerged that she has theological convictions that are contrary to our Reformed confession. For instance, she specifically rejects infant baptism, and she objects to the practice of the confirmation of faith of young people. In light of the specific work she would be doing in the RCJ (as youth worker), the RCJ’s own rather strong Reformed identity and our two churches’ long relationship of mutual respect, and after many discussions, we as Mission Japan and the RCJ, together with Karen, realised that it would now not be wise to continue the process of sending her to Japan. We are of the opinion that it will also not be in Karen’s own best interest to become intimately part of a church in which she would not really feel at home. To us, this is a sad disappointment! We can imagine that it will also be a great disappointment to all of you who enthusiastically shared in her calling and started to support her. We are keeping contact with Karen and pray that soon other opportunities for her to go to Japan will arise. We assist her where possible.
Mission Japan employed Karen for several months. We have had financial expenses in terms of her salary, visiting congregations, etc. Contributions for Karen’s going to Japan helped to carry these costs. We can think that some congregations or individuals might be so upset with these developments that they would rather want their money back. Please let us know and we will send your money back to you.
We would like to assure you of the sensitive and responsible way in which Mission Japan’s management tried to handle the matter. Decisions have been taken with compassion.
Once again we would like to thank all Mission Japan’s supporters. We want to continue with the work in japan, in close partnership with our sister church, the RCJ. We are grateful for the wonderful work our missionaries have always been doing and are doing in Japan. We appreciate the warm relationships between Mission Japan and the RCJ and hope to continue strengthening the ties. In this we request your continued support and prayers. We are convinced that the Lord, in whose service we are and who’s love is compelling us, will guide us along the way.
May the Lord have mercy on us.
Gideon van der Watt
20 Januarie 2016
Liewe Missie Japan ondersteuners,
Dit is vir ons hartseer om bekend te maak dat Karen Strydom nie meer deur Missie Japan as Jeugwerker na die Reformed Church in Japan (RCJ) uitgestuur word nie.
Ons was vol hoop dat ons Karen sou kon uitstuur. Sy is reeds in diens van Missie Japan geneem en het die laaste maande ondersteuning in gemeentes en by groepe en individue gewerf. Oral het sy haar roepingsverhaal met oortuiging vertel. Ons het in haar roeping na Japan gedeel en veel bygedra tot haar voorbereiding.
Sedert November 2015 het dit egter duidelik geword dat Karen teologiese oortuigings huldig wat indruis teen ons Gereformeerde belydenis. Sy is duidelik gekant teen die doop van kinders en sy het besware teen die praktyk van belydenisaflegging. In die lig van die spesifieke werk (as jeugwerker) wat sy in die RCJ sou gaan doen, die RCJ se eie sterk Gereformeerde identiteit en die jarelange verhoudinge van wedersydse respek tussen ons twee kerke, het ons as Missie Japan, die RCJ en Karen na vele gesprekke saam tot die besef gekom dat dit nou die beste is om nie voort te gaan om haar na die RCJ te stuur nie. Ons oordeel dat dit uiteindelik ook in Karen se belang is om nie intiem deel van ʼn kerk te word waarin sy teologies nie sou kon tuiskom nie. Dis vir ons almal ʼn reuse teleurstelling! En ons kan dink dat dit vir almal wat met entoesiasme in haar roeping gedeel en haar begin ondersteun het, net so ʼn groot teleurstelling is. Ons bly egter in kontak met Karen en bid dat daar moontlik ander deure na Japan vir haar sal oopgaan. Ons help waar ons kan.
Missie Japan het Karen vir ʼn aantal maande in diens geneem. Ons het heelwat uitgawes gehad vir haar lewensonderhoud en om haar by gemeentes uit te kry. Bydraes wat reeds gemaak is vir Karen se uitstuur na Japan, het hierdie koste help dra. Ons kan egter dink dat daar gemeentes of individue is wat dalk so ontstel is deur hierdie verwikkelinge, dat hulle graag hulle geld sou wou terug ontvang. Laat weet ons asseblief, dan stuur ons dit aan u terug.
Ons wil u verseker van die sensitiewe en verantwoordelike wyse waarop Missie Japan se bestuur die aangeleentheid probeer hanteer het. Hierdie besluite is met groot deernis geneem.
Ons sê opnuut dankie aan al Missie Japan se ondersteuners. Ons wil graag met die werk in Japan aangaan, in noue vennootskap met ons susterkerk, die RCJ. Ons is dankbaar vir die mooi werk wat ons sendelinge nog altyd daar gedoen het en steeds doen. Ons is dankbaar oor die mooi verhoudinge wat daar tussen Missie Japan en die RCJ bestaan en wat steeds op verskillende maniere uitgebou word. Hierin vra ons u voortgesette ondersteuning en veral voorbidding. Ons glo dat die Here in wie se diens ons staan, en deur wie se liefde ons gedring word, met ons die pad sal bly loop.
Mag die Here ons genadig wees.
Gideon van der Watt