2024.01.16 Earthquake Disaster News

‘NOTO HELP’ volunteers getting ready to distribute relief supplies in Ishikawa Prefecture
(Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/notohelp)

The RCJ Diaconal Action Comitee (representing the Reformed Church in Japan) on which I serve, keep on supporting and are raising funds for long-term support, in close cooperation our local leaders at RCJ Kanazawa church (as mentioned in my previous newsflash).

Primary relief efforts are ongoing amid snowy weather and includes the distribution of gasoline/kerosene oil cans, water, heaters, clothes, etc. Rev. Hideyuki Urushizaki and his wife regularly visit evacuation centres close to their church with supplies, and are also trying hard to reach the worst hit areas in Wajima.

This relief work is done alongside Japan’s Self-Defence Force initiatives, as well as the newly established Christian (inter-denominational) organisation called ‘NOTO HELP’ (https://www.facebook.com/notohelp ). At its second meeting para-church support groups like Crash Japan, Hunger Zero and other organisations, that have been supporting the affected areas, also attended. With their experience and knowledge, cooperation to set up a coordinated support system was rapidly strengthened. Rev. Urushizaki also fulfills a strategic role (finance secretary) on the steering committee of NOTO HELP (能登ヘルプ).

Please pray with us for these efforts, and for our brothers and sisters on the frontline who make the light and compassion of Christ shine in the aftermath of the recent earthquake. The recovery process is tough and there is a long, challenging road ahead. 

May God’s grace and peace sustain all involved!


Photo Credit: https://www.facebook.com/notohelp